We're happy to announce that Bloody Lolly's Blood Bank & Store's is organizing an avatar photo contest similar to the one Bloodlines did a few months ago.
We have pages on our website for the 5 main races (Vampires, Lycans, Humans, Demons and Angels). These photos will be featured on each Race's home page on our website.
How to Enter:
Take a high quality photo of an avatar of one aforementioned Races. The final dimensions need to be at least 512x512 or preferably 1024x512.
Either put the texture in a notecard, along with your name, title of the photo, and the race represented and pass it to Lolliiiii Resident.
Submit the photo inside a notecard in the drop-box at our Blood Bank. Please name your entry with your avatar and the Race represented, or it may not be counted in competition.
Contest Rules: The contest will end on November 16th, 2018.
Entries will be judged by Lolly and MikD2 Nansen
The photos need to be FULL PERM.
Prizes: The winners will be rewarded with FREE achievements.
Best Vampire photo - Blood Storm level 5
Best Lycan photo - Howling level 5
Best Human photo - Human Charmer level 5
Best Demon photo - Curser & Embracer level 5
Best Angel photo - Curser & Enrager level 5
We're looking forward to see your amazing pictures and to publish the winning ones on our website. Good luck everyone!